The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation was certified by the United Nations in 2011 as the first metro rail and rail-based system in the world to get carbon credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions; helping reduce pollution in the city by 630,000 tonnes every year. We played a lead role in implementing Phases 1 and 2 while from Phase 1 to 3, we have constructed 45 stations for a 67 Km metro rail length out of which, 31 Kms are of Viaduct and 36 Kms of underground (UG) tunnel. The project included an underground corridor of 6.3 km, an airport expressway below Terminal 3, a 554 m span across the river Yamuna, overhead 25 kV Electrification (OHE), a Rigid Overhead Contact System (ROCS) for Phase 2 and testing of depots. In Phase 3, we executed three elevated sections and two underground sections along with two contracts for traction systems.